Daily Archives: September 9, 2010

Is it true?

No one is perfect and everyone makes mistake. Sometimes we see something odd and just laugh. Just like what I observed this morning while riding bicycle during the morning session. I was going and going, as far as I could, it was a downward slope with a high angle, the bicycle was going out of control, accelerating because of gravity force, I was lucky that it wasn’t rainy, my front brake is very sensitive and tough, but, my back wheel brake is lazy, I suddenly got a wall, I wondered how and why it was there?, I was riding my bicycle and had a wide view, but, what if I was driving a car, I had to jump then, I need to add a jet engine like one in Mig 25, I hope you never experience it, I was on the music, lady gaga (Kevin was right, he said never listen Lady Gaga, it is dangerous), the vertical road was not wide and cars were passing the road like an Airbus A380, because the road was connected to a highway, many people and students of course were there, watching me, because I was strange there, it was 7.30 am, they were going to school, waiting for the services to pick them up, the world was rounding around my head, hoped I was in the middle of a dream or nightmare, no, it was real, it wasn’t my bicycle, just 2 weeks left to start schooling, my brain was needed, my hands as well, the bicycle too, home was to far, no one knew me, didn’t  take my phone, finally, I jumped out of my bike and the bike smashed the obstacle.

Here you can see some photos of that road…wait for the slideshow…

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As you can see the urban planning group were very expert and experienced, that’s why they designed this road but after that change their decision to make it a parking because it was hazardous….I hope our next generation of civil engineers and urban planners do not act like this again.