Daily Archives: September 3, 2010

Failure is mother of success

Failure comes from fail which itself is known bad for everyone and should not be done. Failure varies and differs in size, subject and individual’s life. Human is a source of failures. They might seem to be bad, but who knows beyond the possibilities. Edison said: I would not be able to invent electricity without those hundreds of mistakes I made. In fact, the world was developing faster than the light speed if we did not fail in our works or experience.  Brain can store all the things during our living and classify them. Therefore, the failures and achievements are separated from each other. Indeed, memory is the ability of keeping past events. It is just like a child who falls down when starts walking initially, but after a while when he gets familiar with that, he never makes those mistakes again and try to achieve the main goal which is walking. In my opinion failures are to demonstrate wrongs from rights and guide us through the way to success. To be more exact, every failure makes it easier to achieve what we aimed for.

Be optimistic rather than being hopeless after a fail, because at least you know not to choose that way again.